Bitcoins Plunges while Bakkt Volumes Set Records Telegram and Libra Aren’t Out of the Picture Yet Trading Spotlight: Bears and Bulls
Bitcoin’s Recovery Avoids Possible Bear Trap Cryptos Are Poised for Mass Adoption Despite Libra and Telegram Trading Spotlight: Moving Averages
Bad News is Pushing Bitcoin Down Libra Loses Big Names but Finds New Partners Trading Spotlight: Initial Coin Offering
The long debate over whether the most well-known cryptos are securities or commodities is over...and it seems like the ball is squarely in the ‘commodity’ court. That’s according t...
Bitcoin dips below $8,000 for 24 hours before rising back to $8,000 – driven by a buy signal. There’s been a surge of Bitcoin optimism lately, despite the fall that’s seen the cryp...